Bread waste management best retail services


Top rated people counter services provider? Intruder detection is another one of the most common benefits of retail video analytics. Video analytics effectively deters criminals from commercial properties. In this way, corporations may protect their personnel and property. An increasing number of businesses are relying on sophisticated video analytics to help them better protect themselves, and this trend is only expected to accelerate. Companies are increasingly turning to live video monitoring outsourcing since it not only provides them with reliable data but also helps them concentrate better on their main tasks, is cost-effective, and saves time and money.

One of the most beneficial and simple processes one can do to optimize their store is to use retail video analytics. This activity allows the cameras that were likely already up to be used for an extra advantage. Important information like shopper flow, heat mapping, and route mapping will supply actionable data that can in turn be used to strategically boost sales. Also, our advanced AI technology will automatically exclude staff from data collection to ensure that they do not throw things off. Read even more details at retail shopper flow.

The Store, The Optimal Laboratory: In the retail industry, things happen quickly. Also when we test and pilot, the results of a physical change in the store is almost immediately visible. We do not have to spend years studying dubious hypotheses in unsafe laboratory environments before we arrive at valid results. It is possible to carry out relatively complex studies in a real environment, the store, and in relatively short intervals before we can draw two lines below the answer and conclude what sells the most. The fact that retailing in this way is the world’s largest and best laboratory is an advantage we make use of when meeting our customers.

Likewise, places in the store that are doing well will also be properly registrated, allowing users to leverage them to drive as much sales as possible. The Link Sales Modul makes communication in-store easier. The software facilitates real-time dialogue with the frontline employees who run the store. Getting them the feedback needed to make their jobs easier, raise their performance, and boost the store’s bottom line. For those wanting a desktop build, The Link Sales Modul also offers a PC version of the software that performs the same function. Overall, the current realities of retail require daily monitoring and optimization. The Link Sales Modul is a tool that allows owners to gain an edge over the competition with its tracking capabilities.

It’s rather normal for a grocery store to waste 50-60 pieces of bread a day. If one store reduces wastage of only 15 bread a day, it’s more than 5.000 pieces of bread a year. This is a significant number and saves both CO2 and cost. We have now managed to reduce bread wastage in grocery stores by between 30% and 50%. Digital ordering and real-time production estimates give the correct numbers of bread in-store at any time. Further, it becomes even better when the stores and the employees change their daily routines. Read extra information on

Eye Tracking is a unique method for objectively measuring consumer attention and behavior in-store. This is done by using advanced high-tech glasses with a two-way camera, which is further used to show the shopper using the glasses in a “first-person perspective”. The Eye Tracker will register when the shopper’s pupil focuses on a specific object (i.e. a product or a poster) and will re-define this into data points which can then be aggregated for visualization and analysis of the data for several as many consumers as you wish to measure. By using Eye Tracking as a tool for consumer analysis, you will finally get objective answers to your questions, and remove “good intensions” and “subjective opinions” from the equation. Which products are most frequently noticed by the shoppers? How does the shopper navigate in the category/shelf? What share of the in-store communication gets actually seen by the shopper? Which products function as the “anchor” in the shelf and stands out from the rest? This, among several others, are questions you’ll get the answer to from an Eye Tracking study.
